What is a book coach? It’s pretty simple. Google the term and all the entries boil down to this: someone who helps people write books. A book coach helps guide a writer, both in what they are writing and in their career. A coach is a mentor, a sounding board, a cheerleader, an accountability partner, and in my case, an editor.
Check out my new book for writers! If you're a writer who has ever struggled with doubt, envy, or discouragement, if you ever have days when you feel like you're not good enough and you think about giving up, I wrote this book for you. It's full of affirmations and motivational tips that will instantly boost your mood, shore up your confidence, and remind you that your voice matters. And all for less than the price of your favorite latte. The ebook edition is on sale now! Amazon | Other Retailers An instant mood boost for writers! Every writer has moments of doubt—we see other writers making it look easy, and we get jealous. We see other writers hitting the big-time, and we think that will never happen for us. We see another writer working on a story very similar to ours, and we get discouraged. And, worst of all, we wonder if anyone will want to read what we’re writing or if we’re just wasting our time. If any of this sounds familiar, The Writer’s Little ...